May 8, 2014
Washington, DC
WAS Annual Awards Banquet a Great Success!
To recognize scientific work of merit and distinction, the Washington Academy of Sciences gives awards annually to scientists, engineers, and teachers who work in the greater Washington D.C. area. Attendance at the Annual Awards Banquet on May 8, 2014 exceeded our expectations. Additional tables had to be brought in at the last minute. Everyone enjoyed meeting and greeting our award winners at this event, one of the highlights of every year for the Academy. The banquet was held at The Sphinx Club in downtown Washington DC. The keynote speaker was Dr. Neal Barnard, Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He gave a challenging scientific talk on the health benefits of a vegetarian diet. Photos of the award winners and their citations are posted below. Congratulations to all of these distinguished scientists!
Congratulations to all these well-deserving awardees!